Bank Commands
Please note: The commands found on this page include both user and Moderation commands.
The command descriptions indicate whether it is an Moderation or user command.
The list of available bank commands
Command | Description |
/bank add-silver | This command, you can add silver to a specific user or remove silver from them by specifying the user and the amount of silver.
To remove silver, simply enter the negative amount you wish to deduct. (Example: -200000) Moderation |
/bank multi-price | This command, you can perform silver addition and removal operations for up to 25 people.
Specify the amount to be added or subtracted with the command, press Enter, and in the menu that appears,
make selections for up to 25 people. You can use negative numbers to remove silver. Moderation |
/bank list | This command, you can see a list of all the banks on your server in a listed format. Moderation |
/bank player | This command, a user can track their own bank account in real-time.
If an administrator uses this command, they can select the "user" option from the options tab and check the bank
account of the specified individual. User |